Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Fear by R.L.Stine Reader's Journal #2: Horror & Suspense fiction

Dear Mrs. Zhrihen, 

The book Fear is over 300 pages, so I’m still reading it.  In this book, there are thirteen stories.  One story I liked was “Dragonfly Eyes” by Alane Ferguson.  I like this story because it is very intense.  This story is about two girls, Claire and Savanna Rose, who were hostages.  These two girls were held hostage in their school by a man who does not have a name in the story. 
A passage from the story that I like is on page 129 is:
“And then a loud crack of the door followed by shrill screams as my killer burst inside our classroom, his gun held out in front of him, both hands gripping the handle tight.
“Give me two hostages!  I want two!  Now, now, now!”’
            I like this passage because it starts the action in the story.  This passage is important to the story because without it, all the good parts wouldn’t be there. 
            The genre of the story is horror and suspense.  The story takes place in the science classroom of the girls’ school.  The main problem was the hostage issue.  The characters in the story remained the same through the story.  They never really came alive for me, they always stayed scared.  But I thought that was pretty cool.  Only the antagonist changed in the story.  He went from wanting to kill Claire to not wanting to.  The real protagonist in the story is Savannah Rose, who dies early in the story, but her soul goes into a dragonfly.
            I think that this story was a really good story because you don’t see that type of action in most stories.  I recommend this book to everyone because the story starts off really good and ends really good.
            Your student,
            Michael Heskiel


  1. Dear Michael,
    I think this book is really good and mysterious.I actually wish this was a book I would read.Have you ever read book by Alane Ferguson? I never did but with this book I'm sure she is a good author.Do she mainly right about mysterious or horror books? I read horror books but not by her. What strategies did you use before, while and after reading? Some I done were cross-checking and predicting what the story was mainly about.

    My book took me about 5 days to read. That's because I have a lot of time to read.Do you have extra time like me?My character in my book didn't die it wasn't really about horror.I was a diffrent story than yours.What state or city was the science classroom in? I think it was either not close to Florida probably in the west side of the U.S. I really like this book
    because it's very mysterious and frightening. Hope you can write more books like this.

    Your friend,
    Frederick Thelismon

  2. dear miachael,
    this book sounds very good but there are a bunch of things that you are missing. for instants you did not include the significants of the book. what made this book so special? you didnt include the exposition. falling action, climax, falling action and resolution. the setting is too very important (place, conditions, time).
    i have notice that you first said that this book is 300 pages so you are not finished yet but then you mentioned that this book starts well and ends well. the readers journal should be 2-3 pages which it says on the rubric and this readers journal is not 2-3 pages long. what was the pint of view of the book. most of the readers journal says your oponions which shows effort and is good but on the other hand you are still missing a few things.
    sincerely ofek peer

  3. Dear Michael
    this book you read sounds really good i want to tell you some good thing you put the quote was really cool and funny i loved it, you also put why you liked the book, and you said a lot about the characters.
    The bad things are you didn't conclude any figuritive language about passage you put some text feauters but while doing scimming scanning you shouldve seen plenty of figurtive language.

    some questions i have are
    would you recoamnd me this book?
    who can you compare to main character?
    how long did that sroty take you to read?
    In Fear are there good stories?
    sincerely David Alter

  4. dear miachael,
    this book sounds like a very good book. What made this book so special? You didnt include the exposition, rising action, climax, falling action and resolution. The setting is very important (place, conditions, time).
    I notice that you said that this book is 300 pages so you are not finished yet but then you mentioned that this book starts well and ends well, what did you mean.

    What was the pint of view of the book. Most of the readers journal says your oponions which shows effort and is good but on the other hand you are still missing a few things.



  5. Fred, Ofek, David and Michael,
    Thank you for reading and commenting on my Reader's Journal entry.

    No, Fred, I have never read a book by Alane Ferguson, but I was quite interested in this story that she wrote. I really like reading and writing about horror books and stories. For strategies, I look at the cover to see what the book is about, I look at the table of contents, and I also see if the author is someone I know I like to read. In the story, all the author talked about in setting was the science classroom, she never mentioned anything else about location.
    Ofek, for me what makes the book special is that it was put together by one of my favorite authors, R.L. Stine. It is a collection of thirteen short stories by different authors. Alane Ferguson only wrote one of them. That’s why I said it started and ended well but that I hadn’t finished reading the book. You are right I didn’t include descriptions of the exposition, rising action, falling action, or resolution. I’ll try to include those in my next posts. The point of view is from the main character who dies at the beginning of the story and who sees the action through the eyes of a dragonfly because her soul goes into it.
    David, I never did skimming/scanning, so that’s why I didn’t have any figurative language in my entry. I didn’t even know what figurative language or skimming/scanning were until two days ago. If I would recommend this book, it would depend on what types of book you like to read. If you like horror or suspense stories, you’ll love the stories in Fear. It took me about two days to read the story – I’m a very slow reader. I can’t think of who I could compare the main character to.
    Mikey,wow, you sound EXACTLY like Ofek! I mean, you don’t talk like each other, and you don’t act like each other, but, boy you sure do write like each other! You even misspell the same words in the same places. How strange is that? I wonder if Mrs. Zrihen has noticed how much you two write like each other. And thank you for taking the time to read my entry and be the FOURTH comment on it.
    Your Friend,
