Saturday, October 29, 2011

Current Events article #1

Date:  10/30/2011
Name:  Michael Heskiel
Current Events Journal
Title: Will Steve Jobs' final vendetta haunt Google?
Author: Michel Lieddtke
Source: The Miami Herald
The topic of the article is:  Google's possible theft of Apple ideas.
The main idea of the article is: Steve Jobs thought that Google stole their idea and brought spies into Apple.  
The author’s purpose for writing this article is to show how Steve Jobs was and will remain an important man in the world of technology.
The author’s perspective in this article is subjective (biased) because he took Apple's side in the argument.
The pattern of organization of the article is chronological order.
The reason the author chose this pattern for the article is because it is the latest news since Steve Jobs passed away.
The text features included in the article are: Caption under the Steve Jobs picture, headline in large bold print, and text in regular size. The caption  helps by showing how proud Steve Jobs was of his products.  The headline helps by giving the reader an understanding of what the article is about.  The  regular sized text helps by presenting the information of the article.
This article is about (a summary in your own words) 
The significance (importance) of this article is that informs the reader how Steve Jobs made a difference.
What I learned from this article is that Steve Jobs was a man that cared about his products and would do anything to protect them from spies.
What I liked about this article the fact that the article informed me about how Steve Jobs thought of his products and competitors.
What I did not like about it that Google stole Apple's ideas and Steve Jobs trusted them.
Who should read this article and why:  Everyone because then everyone would be informed.
This article reminds me of (text-to-self) that when my brother steals something from me. I should remember to fight for my rights.
(text-to-text) It reminded me of the book Slob because the main character, Owen, kept going back to fight for his cookies.
(text-to-world) It reminded me of North and South Korea because they are always bickering back and forth.
New vocabulary I learned
Word Context Clues Meaning
1. Vendetta - drive for revenge.
2. Android - an operating system from Google that is free.
3. Vitriol - anger.

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