Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Current event # 4

Date: 1/8/12
Name: Michael Heskiel
Current Events Journal
Title: Booking a flight with a space travel agent
Author: Kenneth Chang 

Source: Miami Herald

The topic of the article is space travel

The main idea of the article is about Virgin and how they’re going to allow tourist to see the brim of the world.

(Implied / stated) Stated.

The author’s purpose for writing this article is to inform the world how this will be a great experience to all mankind.

The author’s perspective in this article is probably agreeing with this due to the fact that there is a happy tone.

objective/subjective (biased) Subjective because he probably agrees with it he is writing it in such a happy tone.

The pattern of organization of the article is cause and effect.  

The reason the author chose this pattern for the article is because when everybody would read the effect, they would get more involved in the article and get more excited about the program.

The text features included in the article are: there are no text features in this article

This article is about (a summary in your own words) a company called Virgin and how they’re going to make it possible to go to space. They also have people talk about the convenience of purchasing a ticket on their space ship. They explain how it will feel on this space ship, how far they will travel, and how much it will cost.

The significance (importance) of this article is probably to inform the public of this new opportunity to go into space.

What I learned from this article is that they are letting any average person go into space with a ticket.

What I liked about this article is that it is not a lie, it’s coming out soon, and I would to either try and get a ticket or watch it go into space.

What I did not like about it was nothing; I liked everything about the article.  I felt it was the best current events article so far.

Who should read this article and why.  People who like studying space and going to the Kennedy Space Center would probably book a ticket when reading this article.  This article is very persuasive.

This article reminds me of (text-to-self) of the first time I went to the Kennedy Space Center and how was I amazed at most of the displays.

(text-to-text) This reminds me of a book I read, My Teacher Fried My Brains by Bruce Coville because when they got into space they found a bunch of aliens and we don’t know if aliens exist.

(text-to-world) It reminds me of the time that they didn’t have the Space Shuttle only rockets and only astronauts could go into space.  Now, any tourist who is willing to pay money can go into space

New vocabulary I learned
Word Context Clues Meaning
1. Culminate “..the ride to space will culminate a three day trip…” It means come to an end.

2. Albeit.  “..will fulfill a dream, albeit an expensive one.”  It means exception.

3. Jaunts “…”suborbital” jaunts…” It means short trips.

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