Monday, January 23, 2012

Current Events #6

Date:  1/23/2012
Name: Michael Heskiel
Current Events Journal
Title: I HAVE A DREAM                                                                                                                                                     
Author: Dr. Martin Luther king Jr.
The topic of the article is Racism and color
The main idea of the article is:  Racism and how much Martin Luther king, Jr. wanted equal rights      (implied/stated)
The author’s purpose for writing this article is to record that speech that Dr. King gave that was his most famous and most moving.
The author’s perspective in this article is subjective (biased) because it is just a retelling of the speech.
The pattern of organization of the article is cause and effect because the cause is Dr. King giving his speech and saying if you do this, you’ll get that/
The reason the author chose this pattern for the article is not chosen, it was just a recording of the speech.
The text features included in the article are none
This article is about (a summary in your own words) how important to Dr. King equal rights were and how we should all be treated the same no matter what color skin we are and no matter what religion we follow.
The significance (importance) of this article is re-emphasizing the importance of what Dr. King said.
What I learned from this article is how Dr. King gave his speech and how long it was.
What I liked about this article is the fact that it supports my religion.
What I did not like about it is the wording of the article and how he used a lot of weird stuff; I did not understand some of the wording he used.
Who should read this article and why:  The Klu Klux Klan because they may realize that what they are doing is not right and everyone has their own rights in the matter of religion and everyone is equal in color.
This article reminds me of (text-to-self) the movie I saw, “Remember the Titans” and how the coaches were different skin colors but in the end, worked together to win the championship.
(text-to-text) This reminds me of the book Eldridge Cleaver, Thin Ice.
(text-to-world) This reminds me of all those people who kill each other because they have different religions.
New vocabulary I learned
Word Context Clues Meaning
1. Languished “is still languished in the corners of American society.”  It means suffered.
2.  Invigorating “there is an invigorating autumn of freedom.”  It means refreshing.
3.  Interposition “having his lips dripping with the words of ‘’…”  It means interrupting.

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