Saturday, February 4, 2012

Current Events #7

Date:  1/30/2012
Name:  Michael Heskiel
Current Events Journal
1. Title: Should the Driving Age Be Raised to 18?
2. Author: Unsaid
3. Source: New York Times
4. The topic of the article is about teens and how they may not be old enough at 16 to get behind the wheel.  In the article, they argue reasons to let and not let the teens drive.
5. The main idea of the article is: Stated.
6. The author’s purpose for writing this article is to tell the reader both opinions on the subject.
7. The author’s perspective in this article is subjective (biased) because they are opinions.
8. The pattern of organization of the article is argument/counter argument.
9. The reason the author chose this pattern for the article is to show all opinions on the subject and how they matter.
10. The text features included in the article are:  there are no text features. 
11. This article is about (a summary in your own words) teens who died for lack of driving training and experience.  They talk about if they should change the driving age to 18.  Yes, the reason is they can’t watch the death of young teens anymore in driving accidents.  The “No” side said you shouldn’t be punished if it’s not your fault.  These are both good reasons but I would agree with no.
12. The significance (importance) of this article is to show the danger of driving and how you must be careful on the road.
13. What I learned from this article is they want to change the age limit for driving.
14. What I liked about this article is how vivid each sides’ reasons were and how the yes side gave other laws as an example.
15. What I did not like about it is how they are fighting over it.
16. Who should read this article and why?  Teens obviously so they may get a better understanding of certain circumstances.
17. This article reminds me of (text-to-self) a time I started playing with a knife and I cut myself.  My step-father said if you stop respecting it, it will stop respecting you; same thing with cars.

18. (text-to-text) an article I wrote at my old school about how cars affect people.
19. (text-to-world) the millions of people who died in car accidents.
New vocabulary I learned
Word Context Clues Meaning:  There were no words I did not know the meaning of.

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