Friday, February 17, 2012

Current Events #9

Date: 2/12/12
Name: Michael Heskiel
Current Events Journal
Title: Education Gap Grows Between Rich and Poor, Studies Say.
Author: Sabrina Tavernise
Source: The New York Times

The topic of the article is Education inequality.

The main idea of the article is: How the rich kids are getting a better education than the average kids and also how the differences between whites and African Americans have average closer to the same amount of education is stated.

The author’s purpose for writing this article is to inform the reader about the inequality of education between the poor and the rich and different information about it.

The author’s perspective in this article is subjective (biased) because the tone of the writing makes it sound like he doesn’t enjoy what’s happening.  For instance, instead of using the word “little” he decides to go with the term “far less”.  

The pattern of organization of the article is chronological because it gives specific dates and times.

The reason the author chose this pattern for the article is to emphasize what is going to be explained in the article.

There are no text features except for the title.

This article is about (a summary in your own words) how the poor and the rich have a difference in getting an education depending on which category they fall into.  The author of this article brings up people and statistics to prove this.  It also says that now it is better and a more even average of whites and African-Americans getting the same amount of education.

The significance (importance) of this article is to show that we can always Improve on education even if it look a hundred percent better.

What I learned from this article is that the rate of education for the average and the poor is much lower than I expected.

What I liked about this article is the author brings statistics and different evidence to show that there is a big difference in the quality of education between whites and African-Americans.

What I did not like about it is that it is very sad to hear of kids who want the education to succeed and to have a good living but they’re getting less of an education because they’re not rich.

Who should read this article and why I think all teachers should read this article because the teachers can get a better understanding of what’s going on and how to help lower the rate.

This article reminds me of

(Text-to-self) is that when I was in another school the more behaved kids learned more that the miss behaved kids but not because of behavior it is because they dint give them a chance.

(Text-to-text) this reminds me of a quote: “Education is our passport to the future for tomorrow belongs to the people who prepare for it today.” Malcolm X. If you’re not getting a good education you can’t prepare for the future.

(Text-to-world) this reminds me of how poor kids around the world especially in Mexico due to spatial inequality.   

New vocabulary I learned
Word Context Clues Meaning
1. Dilute- threatens to dilute education, Corrupt.
2. Welfare- like welfare and other government programs, how much profit they make.
3. Revert – The danger is that we will revert back to the mindset of war, return.

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