Sunday, December 11, 2011

Current Event article #3

Date:  Dec. 12, 2011
Name:  Michael Heskiel
Current Events Journal
Title: Animal shelter's behavior experts face life and death decisions for animals
Source: The Miami Herald
The topic of the article is about animal shelters
The main idea of the article is: about animal shelters and how the animal has a test for behavior and if the animal passes he goes to get adopted but f it fails they get put to death stated (implied/stated)
The author’s purpose for writing this article is to inform readers how they run things at animal shelter
The author’s perspective in this article is that he probably doesn't agree with this idea objective/subjective objective (biased) because because it is very cruel
The pattern of organization of the article is cause and effect
The reason the author chose this pattern for the article is because the cause is pass the test the affect  is dieing or not
The text features included in the article are: tittle helps by understanding what the article is about
helps by
, and helps by
This article is about  an animal shelter in Chicago that had a six year old American bull terrier that was put to death because it was wasn't behaving.  It talks about the men and women who decide which dogs and cats get adopted and which one get  put to death and how they decide.
The significance (importance) of this article is to show what they are doing to the animals in the animal shelter.
What I learned from this article is that they killed a lot of the animals they get.  I thought all animals that go to the animal shelter go for adoption.
What I liked about this article is it informs the reader about something I don't think most people don't know about.
What I did not like about it is it should have given an author's perspective.
Who should read this article and why.  People who like pets should read this article to understand what is going on to some of the animals that go to the shelter.
This article reminds me of (text-to-self) of how I'm not allowed to have a pet and how I dearly want one.
(text-to-text) It reminds of the memoir I read titled The House of a Million Pets  by Ann Hodgman and how she always adopted pets.
(text-to-world) That all the people out there who are cruel and evil to pets.
New vocabulary I learned
Word Context Clues Meaning
1. Euthanized:  "Joining the 7,400 dogs and 11,000 cats put to death at Chicago shelters annually."  It means put to death to save from suffering.
2. Perpetually:  "...which is why Brown's arms are perpetually covered with scratches and bite marks."  It means always.
3. Incompatible:  "Because there's nothing more heartbreaking than taking a dog home and then finding out that there's something incompatible between you and your dog, and then you have to return the pet to the shelter."  It means does not agree or does not get along with.

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